As we move toward summer, the question of Annual Health Exams for 2020-2021 has been posed by many. In order to be ready and able to fully participate fully in school, Dwight- Englewood requires an annual exam. Each student has a different date when their exam expires because with Magnus the expiration date is one year after the last exam was performed. If we were in school, you would have received several emails from Magnus leading up to this expiration date. However, in April we turned off the emails due the uncertainty of health access for well child visits.

 The pediatrician offices were quick to develop procedures to keep your child safe and now have been performing well visits. It is my understanding that the offices designated for well visits are only used for that, and that no ill child is seen at these offices. Upon arrival at the office parents call and notify them that they are there. The child and one parent must wear a mask, and they are met at the door and escorted to the exam room. After their appointment, they walk directly out the door and no contact is made with office staff. The room is then fully sanitized. 

 Please make an appointment for your child soon. Anticipate that it might be a bit of a wait for an appointment, but the doctors will get the exam done. Children entering Kindergarten in September will not be able to start without having had their booster vaccines. New Jersey has not changed their requirements for kindergarten students. 

 Although we have a very high rate of children who receive the flu vaccine each year, please consider giving your child the flu vaccine if you have not in the past. This year the flu season was particularly active. With the anticipation of a second wave possibly during flu season, it will be difficult to protect our most vulnerable people. Flu vaccine is still required for all New Jersey students under 59 months, so for our preschool students this vaccine is mandated.

 You may download the forms on your Magnus portal. Please have the exam, as well as the over the counter form completed and dated on the day of the exam. Additionally, you may download the required forms if your child has asthma or epinephrine needs. Please feel free to email me with any questions I do check emails regularly.

 Wishing you a wonderful and safe summer. I am looking forward to seeing your children again in September!


Maureen Krane