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8/9/24 Message from Susan Abramson / Julia Calantone, LS Interim Co-Principals
With less than a month until school begins, we are happy to be back on campus. Freshly painted classrooms are ready, and all that’s needed is Lower School students to bring Drapkin Hall to life!
Important Dates
School Pass Dismissal Reminders
- Please show up as close to your designated dismissal time as possible. Please don’t come early.
- Wait until you reach the check-in spot designated by the sign before you check into SchoolPass.
- Please select “carline” as the option when you check into SchoolPass. Be sure that both of your students appear when you check in. Make sure it says “Pickup Complete” when you are done.
- Please add caregivers to your SchoolPass carpool as alternate drivers by following instructions in this video.
- SchoolPass is only used for dismissal. You do not need to check in on the app in the morning.
- Please continue to make sure that your name card is visible on your dashboard.