Have you ever been asked, “Where are you from?” Fifth graders realized that maybe the answer isn’t defined by a singular place. Where Are You From?, by Yamile Saied Méndez, is a beautiful story of a girl who is asked a simple question that does not have a simple answer. The story explores the topics of love, family and identity. As a way of reflecting on their families’ unique backgrounds and histories, fifth-grade students wrote poems entitled “I Am From”  using the writing process.

First, students brainstormed where they are from by identifying personal belongings, special food, vacation memories, important family members and holidays with great significance from their lives. Students then drafted their “I Am From” poems and revised their pieces to bring forth their best writing. This was a community building writing assignment that allowed each student to showcase their identity and provided the grade with an opportunity to learn more about one another. We hope these special poems help the Lower School recognize and celebrate the beauty in our differences.