In the third, fourth, and fifth grades we speak, read, understand and write in Spanish. We learn to communicate in Spanish by describing our experiences and by using the Spanish words and expressions for numbers, weather, time, our feelings, greetings, and holidays. We introduce ourselves and interact with others using ¿Quién Soy Yo?: (Who Am I?)  expressions such as, mi nombre es, cuantos años tengo, mi color favorito, mi familia tiene.

Third graders are reading short stories to learn new vocabulary words and practice reading comprehension. We are reading Dónde está el oso” (Where is the bear?). Using pictures that match the Spanish text, we learn nouns and verbs such as tigre, oso, esconderse and preguntemosle. Students listen carefully to the story as it is read aloud in Spanish and then identify new vocabulary they’ve heard.

Fourth-grade students are working on expressing how they feel each day using Spanish vocabulary. The students use words like triste, feliz, preocupado, aburrido, cansado, confudido, enfermo and soprendido.  They made drawings to show how they feel and included a written description in a complete Spanish sentence. 

Fifth graders are building on all they have learned to use question words (cómo, cuándo, cuál, quiénes, quién, por qué) in complete sentences. Using question words allows students to have a more extended conversation with one another using a full range of Spanish vocabulary. They are learning about one another while learning and practicing Spanish – and I am learning about them!

It is wonderful to see students progress in all aspects of the Spanish language!