A goal for the Lower School Library is to create a welcoming space for students and faculty to immerse themselves in the world of books, and so much more. With access to multiple areas dedicated to encouraging collaboration in an interactive, flexible space, we are able to accommodate the Bulldog Broadcast team meeting, The Upper School “Reading Buddies” Club, Alumni Author Visitors, Afterschool Music Lessons, Fifth-Grade Opera Team meetings, and Preschool’s Literacy Weekly Sessions as well as putting Student Volunteers to work. 

The shelves, books, and portals are centered around an independent approach to selecting, registering, and reading books based on personal interests and class discussions. Prioritizing “Process over Product”, most of the students and faculty navigate the library independently.  We were proud to have Ms. Preeti and a kindergartener independently check out a book in the library for the first time.  

As a community, the classes are engaged in intentionally spreading kindness through the story “Each Kindness.”  The students are welcome anytime to make contributions to the water vase and document any act of kindness they performed toward others to fill the branch before spring.  Furthermore, based on the story, “ It’s Time!” by Keri Jenson Gold, the preschoolers walked around the building searching for clocks. Their explorations led them to a couple of digital and numerous analog clocks. They also had an opportunity to engage in authentic storytelling sessions. Students were introduced to using puppets used for improvisation.

To continue to build their literacy skills, we are embarking on sharing and making book recommendations to others through book clubs. Kindergarten and First grade are focused on authors and series, while second-grade classes are paying particular attention to folklore and fairy tales. They are answering questions such as: Who was your favorite character and why? Did you like the ending or would you end it differently? Would you recommend it? 

We look forward to the result of the book clubs and stories told by the preschoolers as they learn more about the elements of a good story.