Literacy is blooming in kindergarten!  We begin our literacy time with a sound card drill that focuses on the letter sounds and movements that accompany the sounds.  We spotlight the consonants, vowels, and digraphs.  We sing catchy phrases to assist our young learners in recognizing the differences between vowels, consonants and digraphs.

Each kindergartner is working on pictures, letters, or word sorts that are just right for them during word study. We often use timers to see if they can beat the clock sorting the pictures, letters, or words. Students sort several times before they glue their picture or letter onto their word study mat.

We introduce “snap words” (high-frequency/sight words) during word study. The kindergartners practice writing these words in sand, shaving cream, or on individual whiteboards, which are favorite activities amongst the children. 

Our goal is for the transference of these phonemic skills into writing and reading workshop. To encourage our learners, they need to see themselves as writers and readers. Therefore, we refer to our kindergartners as Rockstar Writers and Super Readers!