Submitted by Mrs. Franco

We are entering a new generation of physical education which stresses fitness, fun and learning. The goal is for all students to grow in the areas of movement and fitness while learning to interact appropriately with one another. Students are able to discover the benefits of living an active lifestyle and their own individual strength by participating in a variety of enjoyable physical activities.

The winter months means indoor activities and the first through fifth grade students have been learning basketball, floor hockey, rhythmic activities and gymnastics. The belief is that the learning of basic motor and manipulative skills associated with sports and game skills, recreational activities, body management skills and rhythmic skills during elementary school physical education will increase the chances that students will be active in their adult lives.  My hope is that each student will hold onto at least one activity they truly enjoy, providing them with a foundation to support healthy and active living throughout their lives. I am so pleased to have the opportunity to coach many “lifers” as they go through the Middle and Upper School athletic program. I am always impressed with the valuable contributions they make to our teams.

Jump Rope for Heart is our big event.  In preparation for this, we have been trying to keep as active as possible and learn how our heart functions. Jump Rope for Heart is the perfect complement to our FitnessGram program. Both programs stress challenging oneself to improve and the importance of good nutrition by showing how the body functions, and of course, having fun while being physically active. I’ve had family members suffer with heart disease and want all my students to understand that a healthy lifestyle can prevent this all too common condition.