As the weather warms and we look forward to summer, now is a great time to develop routines around reading and writing at home. Independent reading is key to developing fluency, vocabulary, and knowledge. Writing provides opportunities to express creativity and hone skills in grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Developing routines around both reading and writing over the summer will support your child’s skills and boost their confidence as they transition to the next grade.

Here are some ideas for getting started:


  • Have your child select and decorate a special notebook or journal for their writing and keep some supplies (markers, crayons, etc.) within easy reach.
  • Create a routine around summer journaling by encouraging your child to draw and write frequently about their experiences.
  • Encourage your child to experiment with genres of writing by making lists and recipes, recording observations, and telling stories.
  • Approximated spelling is expected as children learn to write and spell words. Encourage your child to break a word into spoken sounds and write a letter or group of letters to represent each sound they hear in the word.


  • Encourage your child to explore a variety of topics and genres, including informational text, fiction, magazines, newspapers, poetry, graphic novels, etc.
  • Have your child select and decorate a cozy reading spot and keep some favorite books within easy reach.
  • Ask questions and discuss books with your child as they read. Talking about books helps children develop vocabulary and background knowledge.
  • Visit your local library and/or consider using a children’s digital library app to expose your child to a broad selection to choose from. The Epic Books app is a popular choice.
  • Your child will sometimes stumble over words when learning to read. When your child makes an error, pause for a moment to give them an opportunity to correct it on their own, then gently point out the letters they may have skipped or read incorrectly, and encourage them to try again.

Engaging your child in reading and writing routines is a fun and effective way to nurture skills and boost confidence to prepare for the next school year.