As the 2016-2017 school year ends, we say goodbye to some of our beloved Lower School faculty and staff members.  Their contributions were many and our doors will always be open to them.

Ms. Rullo (center) being honored by Dr. De Jarnett and Ms. Lewis at the annual Faculty, Staff & Trustee Dinner in late May. 

Since joining the Lower School, Lynne Rullo has been the picture of excellence and a pillar of stability.

The Lower School families and children know how well Lynne has taken care of them. We also want to let the community know how well Lynne has taken care of us.  We all know that she is an impeccable administrative assistant – but she is also a counselor, a therapist, a nurse, and of course a wonderful friend.

Although we are saying goodbye, this will not be the last we see of her. She has left a lasting mark on the community and her presence will be felt through her daughter Jessica, who is one of our teachers, and her son-in-law Jordan, a member of our facilities department.  And, of course, the Rullo name will be remembered as long as there are children playing on Mr. Rocky’s Field, the playground named in honor of her late husband.

Lynne, we hope the future is filled with many more celebrations, travel, good books, close friends and, of course, time spent forming happy memories with your grandson!

Ms. Sienicki (center) being honored by Dr. De Jarnett and Ms. Abramson at the annual Faculty, Staff & Trustee Dinner in late May. 

Many years ago Sheila Sienicki spent the summer as a mother’s helper, launching a long and happy career working with young children.

Sheila seems to have done it all. She has braved the wilderness of Frost Valley, our traditional 5th grade camping trip, taught Shakespeare, churned butter at Plimouth Plantation during many 4th grade trips, guided parents, taught every subject area and has made the role of librarian something very special over the past several years. Whether there is a preschool student checking out the newest Mo Willems book or a fifth-grader chasing her down for the latest installment in a series, Sheila opens the door to the world of literature.

Our Lower School writers now have D-Escribe (the Lower School literary journal), her legacy, where their stories can be told and their voices heard. Children seek Sheila out not only for the newest book or to share their writing, but more importantly,  because they know Sheila will always greet them warmly. They know that in the library, they will be with someone who knows and cares about them.

While Sheila will of course miss us all, she is excited to begin the next chapters in her life – golfing, reading, planning her daughter’s wedding, and spending time with her beloved husband Bob.

As a fourth grade teacher Sheila read the E.B. White classic Charlotte’s Web to her class. Like Charlotte, Sheila was a teacher, a mentor, and a friend. Like Charlotte, she is in a class by herself.  Sheila’s retirement is much deserved.

Thank you Sheila, for everything, and congratulations!