Submitted by Kristin Geller, Michael Rodenbush, and Ronda Sowa, 4th Grade Teachers

Who is Jane Goodall? What was the Titanic? What is the Bermuda Triangle? Have you ever wondered about these topics? Well, the fourth graders certainly have, and for the past few weeks they have become experts on these subjects and more! Students in 4G, 4R and 4S have been busy with their combined reading and writing Research Project unit. Taking the skills that they learned from the most recent non-fiction units, the students have been researching their chosen topics by reading various non-fiction texts, using the search engine Britannica School, taking careful notes, working on a display poster, and crafting an informational essay. Now that they are experts on their topics, the students are so excited to share their research posters and all the information they have learned when they present to their classmates and to their parents.
Fourth grade parents, save the date of Monday, February 10th, for The Fourth Grade Research Project Celebration.