Contributed by Jennifer Koteles & Marina Byrne

The second graders have been learning about their community in social studies. We talked about urban, suburban and rural communities and most recently explored the suburban and urban parts of the Englewood community. We learned the history of Englewood and took a virtual tour using Google Earth, followed by a real-life tour through the town.  On our guided tour, the children noticed the residential areas of the town, as well as the commercial and recreational spaces.

Our first stop was the Englewood Florist, a local merchant and a family owned business. We learned about supply and demand and how that changes based on the seasons and holidays. Next up, we visited the Englewood Police Department. We met several detectives as well as the Chief of Police! They showed us how they help keep Englewood safe. Our last stop was Englewood Hospital. The children had the opportunity to go inside a real ambulance and hear how the EMTs help keep safe.

Second graders ended the day with a better sense of all that our Englewood community has to offer its residents and visitors.