With a recognition of the importance of community, we begin the year with a focus on just that. For it is building connections and forming community that is the groundwork for a successful and happy school year.

In third grade, we build community in many different ways. We start by building our classroom community when each student brings in a “me bag” (a bag with 3 items that tell about them). Students have a chance to share, be heard and then answer classmates’ questions.This helps us to get to know each other.

One way to build connections is to share our identities by discussing what we have in common with each other, and how we enrich our communities through our differences. Our Identity and Belonging through Picture Books unit gives students the space to learn about each other, and as one student put it, understand, “…what makes us…us!” These discussions reinforce love and knowledge of self, as well as respect for others.

Another way we are building connections across the grade is that third graders are working together on a A Third Grader’s Guide to D-E – writing or drawing about “things to know” about our school. This allows D-E veterans and new students to come together to talk about D-E and teach others what they know. 

Families are an important part of our community. This year, the 3rd grade will be doing something new – a monthly (at home) book club. Each month, a book (accompanied by questions) will be suggested to families to use for an at home book club.  This will give families an opportunity to come together and talk about books. In addition, they may choose to engage with other 3rd grade families using these monthly book club books. 

Thinking about our community beyond the school and home is where Third Graders Making a Difference comes in. This is our year-long service learning curriculum. Third graders learn about different groups in need and are given ways they can help. They think beyond themselves, give to others, and learn how good it feels to help others.

How lucky we are to be a part of a school that values and embraces its community, encouraging us to engage in activities that celebrate each other.