Many thanks to our dedicated team of Lower School volunteers, and a particular thank you to Nancy Serpico and her team for putting together another hugely successful Lower School Book Fair.  We are so lucky our students are given the opportunity to choose books alongside their classmates, teachers and caregivers during this two-day event.

In the generous spirit that is typical of the Lower School, we raised more than $700 for All for Books so that other children may have the same opportunity.  Sponsored by Scholastic, All for Books matches the funds raised to help put great books in the hands of children in need.  Monday afternoon Lower School students volunteered to shop for books for local children during their recess time.  Assisted by parent volunteers, they carefully select books they think will appeal to many different ages and interests, calculate the total cost to make sure they are within budget and later on will help package books for delivery.  To see our Lower School students carefully considering the best books for children they have never even met is truly heartwarming, and we are delighted that next week we are delivering three boxes of brand new books to The Center for Food Action right here in Englewood.

Thank you to all families who helped us make this act of generosity possible!