The first grade has been learning all about fractions. Students were able to identify and explain that fractions are a part of a whole object or set of objects. Throughout the year, they have developed their ability to categorize, sort and divide objects. Prior knowledge helped them make the connection that whole numbers can be composed and decomposed into parts. Learning about fractions was a natural transition after our division unit. The first graders were able to leverage what they know about number bonds and division to deepen their understanding of fractions.

In our fraction unit we guided the classroom discourse to help students make real life connections to the math concept. We used engaging visual models to illustrate how fractions appear in their daily life. Remote learning provided students with a unique opportunity to discover and create fractions in their home environment in real time. The real-life connection and experiential learning opportunity elevated student engagement and excitement around fractions. Creating real-life fraction models made the concept of fractions more accessible to our young learners. The representations the children came up with independently were innovative and extremely precise.

This activity reinforced that math is all around us even in the most unexpected places! The first-grade teachers are truly impressed by the first graders’ creativity and hard work. The pictures below capture some of the unique real-life fraction models created by the children.