What a pleasure it is to observe nature through the eyes of young scientists. In Preschool 3 through first grade, the students have been using all of their senses to experience and make meaning of the world around them.

As they explored Dwight-Englewood’s outdoor spaces, the youngest of scientists noticed the similarities and
differences between leaves that they collected on Mr. Rocky’s Field. They observed that some leaves are green, while others look orange; some leaves have many points, while others have fewer points. The children remarked on the cooler weather, the falling leaves, and the changes that occur as we move from summer into fall. They made home-to-school connections as they shared about family traditions that happen each fall, such as apple and pumpkin picking and baking apple pies.

Children in kindergarten and first grade have been practicing their science skills. They have been focusing on making keen observations of the environment. They began with a nature scavenger hunt looking for specific objects on campus, but also made exciting discoveries, such as the colony of beetles living on the milkweed plants, the Monarch butterflies gathering nectar from the butterfly bushes, and the tiny roly-polies living beneath big rocks. Next, they looked closely at plants and insects and carefully drew what they observed, which they later painted using watercolors. Using these same observational skills in their journals, the first graders have labeled and described leaves that they gathered on Mr. Rocky’s Field.

Through exploration of their natural surroundings, the young scientists develop an appreciation for living things–both plants and animals. They express their care and concern by carefully moving a stranded worm from the pavement into soft grass. They help add seeds to our bird feeder to ensure that the birds have food as the weather gets colder and they learn to identify trees and their leaves. There is much joy to be had by the young scientists as they connect to nature on our campus!

See below for more photos!